
As a hospital, Newtown Vet consistently provides the best medical treatment for our patients while also educating our clients so they can make informed decisions for their pets. With dental disease now the number one health problem diagnosed in pets, Newtown Vet has made our patients’ dental health a top priority.

IMG_0584At Newtown Vet Hospital we are equipped with the latest technology and tools to offer your pet the highest quality dental care.
Our oral health program consist of three parts, each tailored to fit your pet:

  • A complete oral exam of the mouth including charting of periodontal pockets for each tooth, and digital x-rays of each tooth and its root structure to evaluate for disease below the gumline.
  • Cleaning each individual tooth above and below the gumline by ultrasonic scaling and application of fluoride paste, followed by polishing each tooth to seal its surface.
  • Educating our clients about continued dental care to help prevent disease going forward.


Each step in the cleaning process is performed under general anesthesia in accordance with the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) dental care guidelines.

If additional treatments are needed, your veterinarian will create a customized plan for you and your pet.

"Periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition occurring in adult dogs and cats, and is entirely preventable. By three years of age, most dogs and cats have some evidence of periodontal disease." - The American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC)

The Newtown Vet DifferenceDental care for dog at the veterinarian

Newtown Vet applies the highest standard of care at every step in your pet’s dental therapy with the following:

  • Our 2 technician, 1 doctor policy.
    • All dental patients have one technician dedicated solely to monitoring anesthesia and a second technician dedicated to cleaning your pet’s teeth and taking x-rays.
    • Each patient is directly overseen by a doctor at all times.
    • Oral surgery is ONLY performed by a doctor.
  • Continuous monitoring of blood pressure, EKG, pulse oximetry, and end tidal CO2; IV fluids given regularly to support your pet’s circulatory system.
  • Full mouth x-rays allow for evaluation of tooth roots and disease below the gumline. Our digital x-ray system allows for rapid processing of high quality images decreasing the time your pet is under anesthesia.
  • Effectively managing your pet’s pain is extremely important to us. We adjust our treatments to fit the unique needs of your pet, and we also offer acupuncture upon request.